Bailey's turned two last week! We opened 15 May 2020 - just after the WHO declared a COVID-19 pandemic and Louisiana's Governor issued a lockdown order. Yep, perfect timing!
We are still here - here being Carencro, LA - and are growing. We've added to our team, and expanded our offerings. We have a good team, but awesome customers! We wouldn't have experienced such growth without you! Thanks for your support over these last two years and we hope you stay with us as we continue to stay smoky.
Meet the Bailey's Team! Left to Right. Front - Jaime Ougel (Owner) and Gary Cruice (Manager). Back - Leigh Babineaux, Graham Beduze, Quinn Hebert, Tasha Knott. Hours are still 10-10 Monday thru Saturday and Noon-8 Sunday. Stop in and visit