Relaxing with a premium cigar has been a ritual for Karl Malone for a long time – both in retirement and while celebrating a big win during his days on the court. The Mailman searched long and hard for a partner who could collaborate on a premium cigar with him.
Karl and La Aurora’s owner, Guillermo León Herbert, connected on a love of the Dominican Republic, premium cigars, rum, and shared values. Together they created a special cigar for Karl using tobacco aged in rum casks and established “Barrel Aged by Karl Malone”.
La Aurora wanted to celebrate its 110th anniversary by releasing a product other than premium cigars that was very characteristic of the Dominican Republic. La Aurora collaborated with Ron Barceló to create E. León Jimenes 110th Anniversary Rum which commemorates the anniversary of the company's establishment and is a tribute to its founder, Mr. Eduardo León Jimenes.
The result is a deliciously dark amber colored spirit, with hints of honey and red fruits along with the classic Carribean notes of vanilla and cocoa. It drinks like a bourbon, but tastes like a rum, making it the perfect companion to sip along with a Karl Malone Barrel Aged Cigar.
You can find the Karl Malone Barrel Aged cigar at Bailey's Cigar Room, and the E. Leon Jimenes rum at Champagne's Market in Carencro, LA. PF Importers is the local wholesaler for both. Karl Malone's shop is located in Ruston, LA. Y'all should stop by all these places for a visit!