We all know that premium cigars are often smoked in celebration. Our last post examined premium cigars and the birth of a child. This week we look at cigars and sports! What other picture would we use? The photo of Joe Burrow catching a few puffs before he goes before the media became a Sports Illustrated cover, and has become iconic. If you've been to Bailey's, you've seen the print hanging in the shop!
We also know that Joe and the Bengals have enjoyed victory cigars, and that the elder Mr. Burrow and Mr. Chase often enjoy a cigar together. Cigar smoking and football victories go beyond LSU and Cincinatti! There's a long tradition of victory cigars associated with the Tennessee/Alabama football game. Billy Napier brought that tradition to the ULL/ULM game! There may be victory cigar celebrations beyond the SEC and Louisiana, but we aren't sure. If you know of some, tell us below. We do know, though, that victory cigars are also smoked in that other football!
Cigars have been smoked by players and coaches as part of Europa League, Champions League, and World Cup celebrations! Cigars are even smoked as part of victory celebrations in baseball, hockey, and golf. While basketball may have started the trend in the United States, it wasn't Steph Curry or Michael Jordan (or even Karl Malone) who began the cigar smoking celebration tradition. You have to go all the way back to Red Aurbach as coach of the Boston Celtics. "Legend has it that he would light up his own even before the game was over so confident was he of the strength of his boys." NSS Sports
Regardless of your favorite sport, grab one of your favorite cigars and enjoy - win or lose!
