Seville, Spain 1676 - the cigar as we know it is born (filler, binder, wrapper). In 1817 King Ferdinand VII legalizes cigar production in Cuba. Factories created wonderful cigars made exclusively from Cuban tobacco. Those companies created more mild, but nuanced and complex cigars. The manufacturers listed here are part of that early history of cigar production, and now operate around the world. You've probably heard their names before! (Check the Tobacconist University Tobacco Timeline for more details.)
Ashton, Cohiba, Arturo Fuente, Hoyo de Monterey, Macanudo, Montecristo, JC Newman, Oliva, Padron, Perla del Mar, Perdomo, Punch, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, Villiger
The Cuban Revolution of 1959 sent Cuban cigar makers to the Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, Central America, and the United States. Manufacturers began trying to replicate their original cigars, but eventually passed the reins to second and third generations of the family. This led to experimentation with tobaccos from new regions, new blends, and new sizes. Think of a modern chef expanding traditional dishes. The same craftsmanship and basic flavors are there, but expect some surprises - more bold, more spice, something new. Don't be afraid, dig in!
- Aganorsa Leaf, Alec Bradley, AJ Fernandez, Camacho, CAO, Drew Estate, Foundation, Joya, Rocky Patel
Premium cigar manufacturing today is an industry built on people and relationships. The manufacturers listed here include start-ups and break-aways, even some newbies who just love cigars. Imagine finding that expert cobbler in a back alley, or the perfect dress shop in a small town, or that out of the way restaurant where the food is "to die for". Each of these manufacturers has a signature trait - body or flavor. Don't be surprised if you haven't heard of these guys! Just enjoy the fruits of their labors. After all, that's why they make cigars.
- Casa de Suenos, CLE, Crux, El Artista, Espinosa, La Flor Dominicana, Leon Jimenes, Nestor Miranda, Tarazona, Oscar Valladares
Pipe tobacco comes two ways - aromatic or non-aromatic (also called English). Premium cigar manufacturers now take a similar approach. They make cigars that have no flavoring added and some that do. You won't find a grape or bubble-gum flavored cigar - those aren't premium cigars (long filler and hand rolled). What you will find are cigars infused with various flavors, sweet tipped cigars, cigars that are as sweet as sugar cane, and even cigars with some Tobasco heat! You may think coffee or chocolate when it comes to cigar flavors, but there is much more to experience! Come, start you journey with these manufacturers.
- Acid, CAO Flavours, Cojimar, Deadwood, Insidious, Isla del Sol, Macanudo M, Nub Nuance, South Beach, Tatiana, Upsetters